Fotoaparati, objektivi, foto oprema

Praktica VLC 3 Pentacon MC 50mm f/1,8 M42


Praktica VLC 3 Pentacon MC 50mm f/1,8 M42

  • Analogni fotoaparat (Sa filmom) / Film camera 35mm
  • 35mm / Leica camera
  • Koristi 35mm / Leica film
  • Odlično stanje
  • Apsolutno ispravan
  • Objektiv Pentacon MC 50mm f/1,8 M42
  • Navoj M42
  • Fotografije su samo ilustracija / Originalne na zahtev

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Praktica VLC 2, VLC 3 Pentacon Šaht tražilo

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Na Stanju


Praktica VLC 3 Pentacon MC 50mm f/1,8 M42

  • Praktica VLC 3 is a SLR camera. The VEB Pentacon Dresden built the camera from 1978 to 1983
  • The lenses of Praktica VLC 3 are interchangeable
  • Lenses with an M42 thread can be used. The lens is focused by hand
  • The Praktica VLC 3 does not have an autofocus function
  • The 35 mm camera has a built-in sensor for measuring the precise exposure. The SLR camera determines the correct exposure when it measures through the lens (TTL)
  • The shutter speed and aperture can be freely selected. The 35mm camera has a bulb mode. In this mode, the shutter will open as long as the shutter release button is pressed
  • An external flash can be used via the hot shoe or PC flash port
  • A tripod can be attached to the Praktica VLC 3.
  • A cable release can also be used with the camera. In addition, the self-timer can be used to take pictures.
  • The camera needs one VARTA V21 PX battery.

Technical datasheet

Technical specifications of the camera
Attribute Specification
Type of Camera Single lens reflex camera
Type of Film 35mm
Picture format 24 mm x 36 mm
Lens mount M42 lens mount
Focus Manual
Viewfinder Pentaprism finder
Belichtungszeit 1/1000 s to 1 s, Bulb
Bulb mode Yes
Light meter Yes
Built-in flash No
Flash Connection Hot Shoe, PC-Flash
Flash sync speed 1/125 s
Tripod mount Yes
Cable release thread Yes
Self-timer Yes
Power supply 1x Varta V21 PXe battery


  • Digitalni fotoaparati (DSLR, Mirrorless, Compact)
  • Analogni fotoaparati (SLR, srednji i veliki format)
  • Starinski, kolekcionarski fotoaparati
  • Objektivi, Fiksni, Zoom, MILC/ Mirorless, Extension tubes (Ekstenderi), Konverteri, Adapter tube, Prelazni prstenovi
  • Adapteri za objektive FD, EF, EOS, Nikon, 4/3, Micro 4/3, Fuji FX, Samsung NX, Sony NEX, Alpha, Minolta MD, Pentax PK, C-Mount, Rollei…
  • Blicevi, difuzori, svetlosni modifikatori, kablovi za povezivanje
  • Makro (macro) fotografija, makro prstenovi, makro mehovi (macro photography rings and bellows)
  • Memorijske kartice (SD, CF, Micro SD, USB Flash memorije, čitači kartica)
  • Baterije i punjači, Li-Ion, Ni-MH
  • Filteri, UV, ND, Polarizacioni, CPL, filteri za crno belu fotografiju, kao i za specijalne namene
  • Zonerice (lens shade, lens hood) za sve vrste savremenih objektiva, kao i za starije modele
  • Poklopci objektiva prednji od 37mm-82mm
  • Poklopci objektiva zadnji Canon FD, Canon EOS, Nikon F (AI), Sony Alpha/Minolta AF, Sony NEX, Olympus, Panasonic Micro 4/3, Fuji FX, Samsung NX, Minolta MD, Olympus OM, Pentax K (PK), Contax / Yashica, Rollei SL…)
  • Digitalne video kamere (kamkorderi)
  • GoPro kamere, dodatna oprema
  • Baterije i punjači, Li-Ion, Ni-MH
  • Studio, Flash glave, LED rasveta (stativi, kišobrani, soft box-ovi, dodatna oprema)
  • Stativi, glave za stative, izmenjive pločice, monopodi
  • Analogna, film fotografija. Laboratorijska oprema, aparati za povećavanje, dozne, tacne, sušilice, dodatni pribor
  • Fotografska literatura, knjige, časopisi, brošure, katalozi, uputstva
  • Razna foto oprema

Aleksandar Jeremić | 0603351111 | |

Praktica VLC 3 Pentacon MC 50mm f/1,8 M42

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