Fotoaparati, objektivi, foto oprema

Minox 35 ML Minotar 35mm f/2,8


Minox 35 ML Minotar 35mm f/2,8

  • Vrlo dobro stanje
  • Originalna futrola

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Technical Aspectsedit

  • Camera Type: 35mm full frame compact camera.
  • Film Format: 35mm film
  • Lens: 35 mm f/2.8
  • Focusing Range: 0.9m to infinity
  • Exposure meter: auto or aperture priority
  • Shutter Speeds: 1/500 to more than 2 seconds
  • Film Speed Range: ISO 25 16001615) 33 33O 400 (DIN 27)
  • Focusing System: Scale focus
  • Flash Synchronization: Hot shoe contacts
  • Self Timer: 8 sec. delay
  • Battery: One 6 volts V28px
  • Dimensions: 100 x 62 x 31mm
  • Weight: 180 g

Na Stanju


Minox 35 ML Minotar 35mm f/2,8


The Minox name carries James Bond cachet and the Minox 35 line has the honor of being the smallest production full-frame 35mm camera made. When sold in the 1980s the ML 35 was a high end and expensive item. These days they still have a enthusiastic band of followers but they also have a reputation for bad electronics. Due to the digital revolution Minox 35's are not fetching high prices any more – if you can find one in working condition they still make great pocket cameras that will give far better results than a LOMO. The 35 ML's lens is a 35mm f2.8 and it is scale focusing. Its exposure system is automatic or aperture priority.

The Minox 35 ML bears a very strong resemblance to the Balda CA 35; both cameras, as well as the rest of the Minox 35 and 110 line, were manufactured by Balda Kamera-Werk in Bünde, West Germany.


  • Digitalni fotoaparati (DSLR, Mirrorless, Compact)
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  • Poklopci objektiva prednji od 37mm-82mm
  • Poklopci objektiva zadnji Canon FD, Canon EOS, Nikon F (AI), Sony Alpha/Minolta AF, Sony NEX, Olympus, Panasonic Micro 4/3, Fuji FX, Samsung NX, Minolta MD, Olympus OM, Pentax K (PK), Contax / Yashica, Rollei SL…)
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Aleksandar Jeremić | 0603351111 | |