Rollei 35 SE Black Film Camera 40mm f/2.8
- Shutter speeds, f/stops, and focus distance are easily seen in a top view.
- Shutter speeds 1/2 second to 1/500th, plus B for Tessar and Sonnar lenses camera, 1/30th to 1/500 for Triotar lensed cameras.
- Bright Albada finder with NO automatic parallax compensation
- Scale focusing, no rangefinder in this camera.
- Collapsible lens. Shutter must be advance to collapse lens. When you pull it out, remember to lock the lens in place by twisting it.
- F/stops and Shutter speeds separately set on front mounted dials
- Left hand advance lever
- Removable back for film loading
- Incredibly inconvenient bottom mounted hot shoe, but no PC connection. Mount a flash unit and you are faced with the classical Rollei 35 question: Is it better to have your flash upside down, or your camera? If you haven’t figured this one out yet, try it and you soon will. The solution is forget about using a flash with the Rollei 35’s unless you truly enjoy inflicting pain on yourself.
- A film pressure plate which opens up during loading and then folds back over the film, keeping the film very flat for the sharpest image the lens was capable of.
- Not so convenient bottom mounted film counter
- Not so convenient bottom mounted large easy to grasp rewind lever
- No so easy to find 30.5 mm filters
Quick List of Rollei 35’s per Arthur Evans’ excellent „Collector’s Guide to Rollei Cameras“
Rollei 35 SE 40/2.8 Sonnar 1980-82 Rollei 35S Silver 40/2.8 Sonnar 1979 Rollei 35 S Gold 40/2.8 Sonnar 1974-6 Rollei 35 S Royal Urushi 40/2.8 Sonnar ? Rollei 35 S 40/2.8 Sonnar Rollei 35 TE 40/3.5 Tessar 1980-82 Rollei 35 T 40/3.5 Tessar 1976-80 Rollei 35 Gold 40/3.5 Tessar 1971-2 Rollei 35 40/3.5 Tessar 1967-75 Rollei 35 LED 40/3.5 Triotar 1978-80 Rollei C 35 40/3.5 Triotar 1969-71 Rollei B 35 40/3.5 Triotar 1969-71
- Digitalni fotoaparati (DSLR, Mirrorless, Compact)
- Analogni fotoaparati (SLR, srednji i veliki format)
- Starinski, kolekcionarski fotoaparati
- Objektivi, Fiksni, Zoom, MILC/ Mirorless, Extension tubes (Ekstenderi), Konverteri, Adapter tube, Prelazni prstenovi
- Adapteri za objektive FD, EF, EOS, Nikon, 4/3, Micro 4/3, Fuji FX, Samsung NX, Sony NEX, Alpha, Minolta MD, Pentax PK, C-Mount, Rollei…
- Blicevi, difuzori, svetlosni modifikatori, kablovi za povezivanje
- Makro (macro) fotografija, makro prstenovi, makro mehovi (macro photography rings and bellows)
- Memorijske kartice (SD, CF, Micro SD, USB Flash memorije, čitači kartica)
- Baterije i punjači, Li-Ion, Ni-MH
- Filteri, UV, ND, Polarizacioni, CPL, filteri za crno belu fotografiju, kao i za specijalne namene
- Zonerice (lens shade, lens hood) za sve vrste savremenih objektiva, kao i za starije modele
- Poklopci objektiva prednji od 37mm-82mm
- Poklopci objektiva zadnji Canon FD, Canon EOS, Nikon F (AI), Sony Alpha/Minolta AF, Sony NEX, Olympus, Panasonic Micro 4/3, Fuji FX, Samsung NX, Minolta MD, Olympus OM, Pentax K (PK), Contax / Yashica, Rollei SL…)
- Digitalne video kamere (kamkorderi)
- GoPro kamere, dodatna oprema
- Baterije i punjači, Li-Ion, Ni-MH
- Studio, Flash glave, LED rasveta (stativi, kišobrani, soft box-ovi, dodatna oprema)
- Stativi, glave za stative, izmenjive pločice, monopodi
- Analogna, film fotografija. Laboratorijska oprema, aparati za povećavanje, dozne, tacne, sušilice, dodatni pribor
- Fotografska literatura, knjige, časopisi, brošure, katalozi, uputstva
- Razna foto oprema
Aleksandar Jeremić | 0603351111 | www.profoto.rs | profoto.rs@gmail.com